fe005 | Since January 2020, have you witnessed or been the victim of a violent or property crime? Please check all that apply. | witnessed or been the victim of a violent or property crime |
ne005 | Does your household rent or own your current residence? | rent or own current residence |
ne006 | Does the federal, state, or local government help pay for your rent - for example, through a rental assistance program? Examples of rental assistance programs include housing vouchers, subsidized housing, and public housing. | federal, state, or local government help pay for rent |
ne007 | Excluding any government rental assistance your household might receive (for example, through housing vouchers), what does your household currently pay in rent per month? | currently pay in rent per month |
ne008 | What is the maximum total amount that your household is able to pay in rent per month, before you would have to find a less expensive place to live? | maximum pay in rent per month |
ne009 | Does your household have a mortgage on your current residence? | mortgage on current residence |
ne010 | How much does your household currently pay in mortgage per month? | currently pay in mortgage per month |