
Variable Question text Label
lb001Are you currently employed by government, by a private company, or a nonprofit organization? employment type
lb002Do you have more than one job? Please count any part-time, evening, gig, or weekend work you may be doing.have more than one job
lb003Do you have any of the following benefits through your current job or business? Please choose all that apply.Traditional pension plan
lb004Consider your current job. Are you able to do that job from home at least partially?

[For example, a bartender is not able to do their job from home; an administrative assistant working in an office should be able to work from home, at least partially]
able to work from home
lb005Once the pandemic is fully under control, how often would you like to work from home, whether you think you will be able to or not? how often like to work from home
lb006Looking ahead to the next six months, how often is your employer planning for you to work from home?how often employer planning to work from home next six months
lb007a_1Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[1] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 0.75 of current
lb007a_2Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[2] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 2 0.80 of current
lb007a_3Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[3] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 3 0.85 of current
lb007a_4Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[4] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 4 0.90 of current
lb007a_5Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[5] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 5 0.95 of current
lb007a_6Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[6] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 6 0.96 of current
lb007a_7Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[7] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 7 0.97 of current
lb007a_8Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[8] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 8 0.98 of current
lb007a_9Would you accept $^lb007a_amount[9] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one more day per week? lb007a choice 9 0.99 of current
lb007a_amountamounts for lb007a choices
lb007b_1Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[1] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 1 0.75 of current
lb007b_2Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[2] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 2 0.80 of current
lb007b_3Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[3] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 3 0.85 of current
lb007b_4Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[4] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 4 0.90 of current
lb007b_5Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[5] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 5 0.95 of current
lb007b_6Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[6] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 6 0.96 of current
lb007b_7Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[7] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 7 0.97 of current
lb007b_8Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[8] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 8 0.98 of current
lb007b_9Would you accept $^lb007b_amount[9] ^LR010_dummy and work from home every day of the week?lb007b choice 9 0.99 of current
lb007b_amountamounts for lb007b choices
lb007c_1Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[1] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 1 0.75 of current
lb007c_2Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[2] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 2 0.80 of current
lb007c_3Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[3] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 3 0.85 of current
lb007c_4Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[4] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 4 0.90 of current
lb007c_5Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[5] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 5 0.95 of current
lb007c_6Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[6] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 6 0.96 of current
lb007c_7Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[7] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 7 0.97 of current
lb007c_8Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[8] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 8 0.98 of current
lb007c_9Would you accept $^lb007c_amount[9] ^LR010_dummy and work from home one fewer day per week?lb007c choice 9 0.99 of current
lb007c_amountamounts for lb007c choices
lb008Before COVID (back in 2019 or earlier), how much time did you spend commuting to and from work, usually?minutes commuting to work pre covid
lb008_nwI was not working back then
lb009Taking everything into consideration, how satisfied are you with your current job? how satisfied current job
lb010On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you think your current job fits your experience and skills? how well current job fits
lb011How satisfied are you with your level of compensation at your current job? how satisfied compensation at current job
lb012How satisfied are you with other aspects of your current job, such as benefits, maternity/paternity and sick leaves, flexibility of work schedule, number of work hours, quality of the work environment, on-the-job safety, and commuting distance/time? how satisfied other aspects of current job
lb013Have you done anything in the LAST 4 WEEKS (since ^FL4weeks) to look for new work? looked for new work in last 4 weeks
lb014Have you done anything in the LAST 4 WEEKS (since ^FL4weeks) to look for new work? looked for new work in last 4 weeks
lb015Why are you looking for a new job? Please check all that apply. I have been given notice that I will lose my current job
lb015_orderorder answer options why looking for new job
lb016How long ago did you begin looking for new work? how long ago begin looking for work
lb017What are all the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks? Select all that apply.Contact employer directly/interview
lb018On this new job, how many hours per week would you prefer to work?number of hours work in new job
lb019_1Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[1] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 1 0.99 of current
lb019_2Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[2] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 2 0.97 of current
lb019_3Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[3] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 3 0.95 of current
lb019_4Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[4] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 4 0.90 of current
lb019_5Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[5] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 5 0.85 of current
lb019_6Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[6] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 6 0.80 of current
lb019_7Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[7] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 7 0.75 of current
lb019_8Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[8] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 8 0.70 of current
lb019_9Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[9] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 9 0.60 of current
lb019_10Would you quit your job if you were paid $^lb019_amount[10] ^lr010_dummy?pay level quit choice 10 0.50 of current
lb019_amountamounts for lb019 choices
lb020_1Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[1] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 1 0.99 of current
lb020_2Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[2] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 2 0.97 of current
lb020_3Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[3] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 3 0.95 of current
lb020_4Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[4] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 4 0.90 of current
lb020_5Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[5] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 5 0.85 of current
lb020_6Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[6] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 6 0.80 of current
lb020_7Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[7] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 7 0.75 of current
lb020_8Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[8] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 8 0.70 of current
lb020_9Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[9] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 9 0.60 of current
lb020_10Would you begin looking for a new job if you were paid $^lb020_amount[10] ^lr010_dummy?pay level look choice 10 0.50 of current
lb020_amountamounts for lb020 choices
lb021You said that you are not working for pay at the moment. Did you ever work for pay in the past?ever worked
lb022Have you done anything in the LAST 4 WEEKS (since ^FL4weeks) to look for work?looked for work in last 4 weeks
lb023How long ago did you begin looking for work?how long ago begin looking for work
lb024What are all the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks? Select all that apply.Contact employer directly/interview
lb025How many hours per week would you prefer to work?number of hours work
lb026Before COVID (back in 2019 or earlier), how much time did you spend commuting to and from work, usually?minutes commuting to work pre covid
lb026_nwI was not working back then
lb027Consider the last job you had. How frequently were you paid for that job?how frequently paid
lb028Think of how much you were paid in that job. What was the amount on your last paycheck? If you’re not sure, just give your best guess. amount last job paycheck
lb029_1Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[1] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 1 0.50 of current
lb029_2Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[2] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 2 0.60 of current
lb029_3Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[3] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 3 0.70 of current
lb029_4Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[4] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 4 0.80 of current
lb029_5Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[5] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 5 0.90 of current
lb029_6Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[6] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 6 0.95 of current
lb029_7Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[7] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer? take job choice 7 1.00 of current
lb029_8Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[8] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 8 1.05 of current
lb029_9Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[9] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 9 1.10 of current
lb029_10Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[10] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 10 1.15 of current
lb029_11Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[11] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 11 1.20 of current
lb029_12Would you accept the job offer if it paid $^lb029_amount[12] ^lb027_dummy or would you reject the offer?take job choice 12 1.25 of current
lb029_amountamounts for lb029 choices
lb030Consider the last job you had. Were you able to do that job from home at least partially?

[For example, a bartender is not able to do their job from home; an administrative assistant working in an office should be able to work from home, at least partially]
last job able to work from home
lb031Once the pandemic is fully under control, how often would you like to work from home, whether you think you will be able to or not? how often like to work from home
lr010_lr011_confirmIn a recent survey, you said that your current pay ^LR010_dummy is about $^LR011.

If this is correct please answer "Yes". If this information is not accurate and you wish to update it, please answer "No".
confirm lr010 lr011