
Variable Question text Label
facebookWhich of the following best describes your use of Facebook in the last 14 days?Use Facebook
fb_posts_bidenJoe BidenFacebook Ads--Joe Biden
fb_posts_trumpDonald TrumpFacebook Ads--Donald Trump
impression_bidenIn general, what is your impression of Joe Biden? Impression of Joe Biden
impression_trumpIn general, what is your impression of Donald Trump? Impression of Donald Trump
issues_1Which of the following issues is most important to you when it comes to deciding which candidate to vote for in the election for president?Most important issue for deciding vote
issues_1_orderrandomized order for trust series and issues_1 question
pandemic_labelslabels for pandemic status slider
pandemic_statusWhat number would you choose to rate the current state of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S., on a scale of 0-100, with zero being the worst possible situation and 100 being a full recovery? rating of current state of pandemic
pp001What is your impression of the Democratic Party? Impression of Dems
pp001_2_randomizerIndicates question order for pp001 and pp002order pp001 and pp002 questions
pp001_orderorder pp001 and pp002 answer options
pp001_randomizerIndicates answer options order for pp001 and pp002order pp001 and pp002 answer options
pp001aWould you say the Democratic Party's policies are so misguided that they threaten the nation's well-being, or wouldn't you go that far? Dems misguided
pp001a_orderorder pp001a and pp002a answer options
pp001a_randomizerIndicates answer options order for pp001a and pp002aorder pp001a and pp002a answer options
pp002What is your impression of the Republican Party? Impression of GOP
pp002aWould you say the Republican Party's policies are so misguided that they threaten the nation's well-being, or wouldn't you go that far? GOP misguided
trust_appointRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions handling appointments to cabinet and the Supreme Court?Best decisions--political appointments
trust_chinaRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions for handling U.S. – China relations?Best decisions--China relations
trust_covidRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions for handling the response to the coronavirus?Best decisions--coronavirus
trust_econRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions on jobs/the economy?Best decisions--jobs/economy
trust_enforceRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions on law enforcement/criminal justice?Best decisions--law enforcement/criminal justice
trust_environRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions handling climate change?Best decisions--climate change
trust_healthcareRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions on healthcare?Best decisions--healthcare
trust_immigrationRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions on immigration?Best decisions--immigration
trust_uniteRegardless of who you plan to vote for in the election, which of the two main candidates for president do you think would make better decisions on uniting the country and healing racial divisions?Best decisions--uniting the country
trust_voteWhat number would you choose to represent how confident you are that all of the votes in your precinct will be accurately counted in the presidential race in November? Please select a number on the scale below from 0 to 100 where 0 means you have no confidence and 100 means you have complete confidence.Level of confidence votes will be counted in precinct