Variable Question text Label
sc_3We would like you to think of your friends, family, colleagues, and other acquaintances who live in your state, are at least 18 years of age, and who you have communicated with at least briefly within the last month, either face-to-face, or otherwise. We will call these people your social contacts.

How many such social contacts would you say you have, approximately?
Social circle size
sc_6^FLSC6Careless responding

Random careless responding question shown:
random sc_6 question chosen
sc_9On how many days in the last seven days did you read or watch news about the 2020 U.S. presidential election?Media exposure/political interest/expertise
sc_10Have you seen poll results this week for the 2020 U.S. presidential election in your state?Media exposure/Poll results in own state
sc_11Now think of the most recent such poll you have seen this week.

Can you recall what organization conducted the poll in your state?
Media exposure/Organization--your state
sc_12_biden_chanceJoe Bidenprediction of state poll: Percent chance to win----Biden
sc_12_biden_leadBiden over Trumpprediction of state poll: Percentage lead----Biden
sc_12_biden_popJoe Bidenprediction of state poll: Popular vote----Biden
sc_12_other_chanceOther candidatesprediction of state poll: Percent chance to win----Other candidates
sc_12_other_popOther candidatesprediction of state poll: Popular vote----Other candidates
sc_12_trump_chanceDonald Trumpprediction of state poll: Percent chance to win--Trump
sc_12_trump_leadTrump over Bidenprediction of state poll: Percentage lead--Trump
sc_12_trump_popDonald Trumpprediction of state poll: Popular vote--Trump
sc_13Have you seen poll results this week for the 2020 U.S. presidential election for the whole country?Seen results for the whole country
sc_14Now think of the most recent such poll you have seen this week.

Can you recall what organization conducted the national poll?
Media exposure/Organization--whole country
sc_15_biden_chanceJoe Bidenprediction of national poll: Percent chance to win--Biden
sc_15_biden_leadBiden over Trumpprediction of national poll: Percentage lead----Biden
sc_15_biden_popJoe Bidenprediction of nationwide poll: Popular vote----Biden
sc_15_other_chanceOther candidatesprediction of national poll: Percent chance to win--Other candidates
sc_15_other_popOther candidatesprediction of nationwide poll: Popular vote----Other candidates
sc_15_trump_chanceDonald Trumpprediction of national poll: Percent chance to win--Trump
sc_15_trump_leadTrump over Bidenprediction of national poll: Percentage lead--Trump
sc_15_trump_popDonald Trumpprediction of nationwide poll: Popular vote----Trump
sc_27_news1Fox Newsnews source: Fox News
sc_27_news2Hannity radio shownews source: Hannity
sc_27_news3Limbaugh radio shownews source: Limbaugh
sc_27_news4Breitbartnews source: Breitbart
sc_27_news5Wall Street Journalnews source: WSJ
sc_27_news6Washington Examinernews source: Washington Examiner
sc_27_news7Messages from Trump or his campaignnews source: Messages from Trump or his campaign
sc_27_news8Social media accounts generally supportive of Trumpnews source: Social media supportive of Trump
sc_27_news9CNNnews source: CNN
sc_27_news10NBC/CBS/ABC Newsnews source: NBC/CBS/ABC News
sc_27_news11MSNBC Newsnews source: MSNBC News
sc_27_news12NPRnews source: NPR
sc_27_news13New York Timesnews source: New York Times
sc_27_news14Washington Postnews source: Washington Post
sc_27_news15Messages from Biden or his campaignnews source: Messages from Biden or his campaign
sc_27_news16Social media accounts generally supportive of Bidennews source: Social media supportive of Biden
sc_27_news17Other sources: ~sc_27_news17_other news source: Other sources
sc_27_news17_othernews source: Other sources, specify