
Variable Question text Label
armed_onsite_aLaw enforcement officerson site Law enforcement officers
armed_onsite_bVoting location workerson site Voting location workers
armed_onsite_cElection observers, protesters or demonstrators on site Election observers, protesters or demonstrators
armed_onsite_dOther voterson site Other voters
armed_onsite_eOther individuals/groups (specify) ~armed_onsite_other on site Other individuals
armed_onsite_otheron site Other individuals other
armed_weapons_aObservers or poll watchersWas anyone armed: Observers
armed_weapons_bChallengers (verifying and perhaps challenging the legitimacy of registration or voting status)Was anyone armed: Challengers
armed_weapons_cProtesters or DemonstratorsWas anyone armed: Protesters or demonstrators
armed_weapons_dLaw enforcement officersWas anyone armed: Law enforcement officers
armed_weapons_eOther people or groupsWas anyone armed: Other people or groups
armed_weapons_fOther votersWas anyone armed: Other voters
armed_weapons_gVoting location/precinct workersWas anyone armed: Voting location/precinct workers
exp_harassment_aObservers or poll watchersExperience with on site groups: Observers
exp_harassment_bChallengers (verifying and perhaps challenging the legitimacy of registration or voting status)Experience with on site groups: Challengers
exp_harassment_cProtesters or demonstratorsExperience with on site groups: Protesters or demonstrators
exp_harassment_dLaw enforcement officersExperience with on site groups: Law enforcement officers
exp_harassment_eOther people or groups Experience with on site groups: Other people or groups
exp_harassment_fOther votersExperience with on site groups: Other voters
exp_harassment_gVoting location/precinct workersExperience with on site groups: Voting location/precinct workers
feel_armedWhich of the following comes closest to how you felt about the people carrying guns or other weapons while you were at your voting location?Arms at voting location: safer or afraid
feel_armed_otherWhich of the following comes closest to how you felt about the people carrying guns or other weapons while you were at your voting location?Arms at voting location: safer or afraid other
feel_observersHow did you feel about the presence of the observers, protesters, demonstrators or others at your voting location? Observers/protesters at voting location: safer or afraid
feel_observers_otherHow did you feel about the presence of observers, protesters, or demonstrators at your voting location?Observers/protesters at voting location: safer or afraid other
masks_othersAt your voting location, how many of the other voters and precinct workers wore masks or other face coverings when they were indoors, or within 6 feet of other people?How many others wearing masks at your voting location
masks_votesWhen you were at your voting location, how often if ever did you wear a mask or other face covering when you were indoors, or within 6 feet of other people that you do not live with?Did you wear a mask while voting in person
observers_aObservers or poll watchersElection observers / protestors: Observers
observers_bChallengers (verifying and perhaps challenging the legitimacy of registration or voting status)Election observers / protestors: Challengers
observers_cProtesters or DemonstratorsElection observers / protestors: Protesters or Demonstrators
observers_dLaw enforcement officers Election observers / protestors: Law enforcement officers
observers_eOther people or groups not mentioned (please specify) ~observers_e_other Election observers / protestors: Other people or groups not mentioned
observers_e_otherElection observers / protestors: Other people or groups not mentioned specify

About how long did you wait in line at your voting location on the day that you voted or dropped off your ballot?
Please fill in both boxes - use zeros if no hours or minutes.

How long did you wait in line to vote hours
wait_time_minutesHow long did you wait in line to vote minutes
who_observers_aDonald Trump supportersWho was observing Donald Trump supporters
who_observers_bJoe Biden supportersWho was observing Joe Biden supporters
who_observers_cProud Boys, QAnon, or any other conservative/libertarian militias or groups?Who was observing Proud Boys, QAnon, or any other conservative / libertarian groups?
who_observers_dAntifa, Black Lives Matter, or any other liberal/progressive militias or groups? Who was observing Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or any other liberal/progressive groups?
who_observers_eSupporters of local or state Republican candidatesWho was observing Supporters of local or state Republican candidates
who_observers_fSupporters of local or state Democratic candidates Who was observing Supporters of local or state Democratic candidates
who_observers_gOther groups (please specify) ~who_observers_other Who was observing other
who_observers_otherWho was observing other