
Variable Question text Label
fn001Since March 2020, how often have financial difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic affected your physical or mental health? financial difficulties affected health
fn002Since March 2020, how often have financial difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic forced you to delay payment of health expenses in order to afford housing expenses?financial difficulties delayed health expenses
fn003The following are considered experiences of housing insecurity:
  • difficulty paying your rent or mortgage on time or in full
  • living with more people than is comfortable or allowed to afford housing costs
  • being asked to leave your housing by a household member or landlord
  • losing your housing through eviction or foreclosure
  • not having a safe, regular, or adequate place to sleep at night

  • Since March 2020, how often have you experienced housing insecurity due to financial difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic?
financial difficulties affected health
fn004Since March 2020, have you experienced any of the following due to childcare responsibilities or childcare challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic? Please check all that apply. I had to reduce my work hours
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