Variable | Question text | Label |
cci_arth | Arthritis or rheumatism | have condition: arthritis or rheumatism |
cci_arth_la | Arthritis or rheumatism | limits activity: arthritis or rheumatism |
cci_arth_tx | Arthritis or rheumatism | treatment for: arthritis or rheumatism |
cci_asthma | Asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis | have condition: asthma, emphysema, bronchitis |
cci_asthma_la | Asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis | limits activity: asthma, emphysema, bronchitis |
cci_asthma_tx | Asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis | treatment for: asthma, emphysema, bronchitis |
cci_cancer | Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years | have condition: Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years |
cci_cancer_la | Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years | limits activity: Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years |
cci_cancer_tx | Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years | treatment for: Cancer, diagnosed in the past 3 years |
cci_diab | Diabetes | have condition: Diabetes |
cci_diab_la | Diabetes | limits activity: diabetes |
cci_diab_tx | Diabetes | treatment for: diabetes |
cci_digestive | Digestive problems (such as ulcer, colitis, or gallbladder disease) | have condition: digestive problems |
cci_digestive_la | Digestive problems (such as ulcer, colitis, or gallbladder disease) | limits activity: digestive problems |
cci_digestive_tx | Digestive problems (such as ulcer, colitis, or gallbladder disease) | treatment for: digestive problems |
cci_heart | Heart trouble (such as angina, congestive heart failure, or coronary artery disease) | have condition: heart trouble |
cci_heart_la | Heart trouble (such as angina, congestive heart failure, or coronary artery disease) | limits activity: heart trouble |
cci_heart_tx | Heart trouble (such as angina, congestive heart failure, or coronary artery disease) | treatment for: heart trouble |
cci_immune | Immunocompromised condition | have condition: Immunocompromised condition |
cci_immune_la | Immunocompromised condition | limits activity: immunocompromised condition |
cci_immune_tx | Immunocompromised condition | treatment for: immunocompromised condition |
cci_kidney | Kidney disease | have condition: Kidney disease |
cci_kidney_la | Kidney disease | limits activity: kidney disease |
cci_kidney_tx | Kidney disease | treatment for: kidney disease |
cci_liver | Liver problems (such as cirrhosis) | have condition: liver problems |
cci_liver_la | Liver problems (such as cirrhosis) | limits activity: liver problems |
cci_liver_tx | Liver problems (such as cirrhosis) | treatment for: liver problems |
cci_stroke | Stroke | have condition: stroke |
cci_stroke_la | Stroke | limits activity: stroke |
cci_stroke_tx | Stroke | treatment for: stroke |
cci_text1 | Other medical problem (please write in): ~cci_text1_problem | have condition: other med problems #1 |
cci_text1_la | ^cci_text1_problem | limits activity: other med problems #1 |
cci_text1_tx | ^cci_text1_problem | treatment for: other med problems #1 |
cci_text2 | Other medical problem (please write in): ~cci_text2_problem | have condition: other med problems #2 |
cci_text2_la | ^cci_text2_problem | limits activity: other med problems #2 |
cci_text2_tx | ^cci_text2_problem | treatment for: other med problems #2 |
cci_text3 | Other medical problem (please write in): ~cci_text3_problem | have condition: other med problems #3 |
cci_text3_la | ^cci_text3_problem | limits activity: other med problems #3 |
cci_text3_tx | ^cci_text3_problem | treatment for: other med problems #3 |
convenience_satisfied | How satisfied are you with the convenience of your health care? | how satisfied with health care: convenience |
cost_satisfied | How satisfied are you with the cost of your health care? | how satisfied with health care: cost |
health | In general, how would you rate your overall health? | rating of overall health |
hp_satisfied | Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan? | how satisfied with current health insurance plan |
mental_health | In general, how would you rate your overall mental or emotional health? | rating of overall mental/emotional health |
quality_satisfied | How satisfied are you with the quality of your health care? | how satisfied with health care: quality |
sf_why_not_satisfied | Why are you ^FLsf_satisfied with your current health insurance plan? Check all that apply. | why not satisfied with health insurance |
sf_why_not_satisfied_text | why not satisfied with health insurance--other specify | |
sf_why_satisfied | Why are you ^FLsf_satisfied with your current health insurance plan? Check all that apply. | why satisfied with health insurance |
sf_why_satisfied_text | why satisfied with health insurance--other specify |