
Variable Question text Label
consentR consent
consent1Now that you have read about the study, please answer the question below.

I have read and understood the information about this study and:
initial consent
consent2Having read more about it, are you interested in participating in this study? consent after further information
preferred_startdateThank you for agreeing to participate in our study!

Please choose your start date. We suggest picking a 7-day period during which:
  • You will have your phone with you most of the time.
  • You will have either a cell or WiFi connection most of the time.
  • You will be able to answer 5 prompts throughout 3 days of the study week, each one taking about 3 minutes (you have 15 minutes to find the time to respond).
  • You will be able to complete an online 15-minute EOD survey at the end of each day that you receive prompts.
Please select your preferred start date:
preferred start date

Please select the time zone you will be in during this week:
timezone of assigned week

Please select the time zone you will be in during this week:
timezone of assigned week
randomizer_promptrandomizer prompt duration
randomizer_timeframerandomizer timeframe
refusedindicates if R refused
whyrefusedWe understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.why refused
whyrefused_orderorder why refused