
Variable Question text Label
pr001_orderorder pr001 statements
pr001aGovernment officials should have broad authority to limit the information that news organizations publish or broadcast Government officials should have broad authority to limit the information that news organizations publish or broadcast
pr001bSome new laws are needed to ensure that the news media behave responsibly Some new laws are needed to ensure that the news media behave responsibly
pr001cNo form of news media - whether television, radio, print, or online news - should be regulated by the government under any circumstances No form of news media - whether television, radio, print, or online news - should be regulated by the government under any circumstances
pr001dA free press - free from governmental control - is necessary for a strong democracy A free press - free from governmental control - is necessary for a strong democracy
pr001eIt should be easier to sue reporters who knowingly published false information It should be easier to sue reporters who knowingly published false information
pr001fNews organizations should have the freedom to publish or broadcast any stories they choose, except in very limited cases on topics such as national securityNews organizations should have the freedom to publish or broadcast any stories they choose, except in very limited cases on topics such as national security