
Variable Question text Label
st005aI am vegan.I am vegan
st005bI am vegetarian. I am vegetarian
st005cI am a healthy eater. I am a healthy eater
st005dI eat sustainably. I eat sustainably
st005eI am a red meat eater.I am a red meat eater
st006About how often do you eat red meat (like beef, lamb, pork, veal, mutton and goat, and processed red meats like sausages, bacon, and ham)?about how often eat red meat
st007How willing are you to limit how much red meat you eat? Red meat includes beef, lamb, veal, mutton, goat, and processed red meats like sausages, bacon, and ham. how willing limit how much red meat you eat
st008aTo help reduce the impact of climate change, it is better to eat less red meat.To help reduce the impact of climate change, it is better to eat less red meat
st008bTo benefit your health, it is better to limit how much red meat you eat.To benefit your health, it is better to limit how much red meat you eat