
Variable Question text Label
LE_HRS_p1Last month, in ^FLMonth, were you often troubled by pain?often troubled by pain
LE_HRS_p2How bad was the pain most of the time?how bad was pain most of time
last_completed_monthlylast completed monthly survey
last_completed_monthly_endtimelast completed monthly survey endtime
pain_randomizerpain randomizerpain randomizer
painintIn the past month, how would you rate your pain on average? Pain intensity rating
phq4aFeeling nervous, anxious, or on edgeFeeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
phq4bNot being able to stop or control worryingNot being able to stop or control worrying
phq4cFeeling down, depressed, or hopelessFeeling down, depressed, or hopeless
phq4dLittle interest or pleasure in doing thingsLittle interest or pleasure in doing things