
Variable Question text Label
lm001aI worry that reading or learning about gay people in school might make children think about whether they are, or want to be, gay I worry that reading or learning about gay people in school might make children think about whether they are, or want to be, gay
lm001bIt's good to assign books about the experiences of lesbian or gay people because this might make children understand that lesbian and gay relationships are normal It's good to assign books about the experiences of lesbian or gay people because this might make children understand that lesbian and gay relationships are normal
lm001cIt is good to expose all children to stories with LGBTQ main characters so that LGBTQ children see main characters who are like them It is good to expose all children to stories with LGBTQ main characters so that LGBTQ children see main characters who are like them
lm001dLearning about sex and sexuality in school is likely to help children make better and safer choices Learning about sex and sexuality in school is likely to help children make better and safer choices
lm001eMost U.S leaders have been White so it’s reasonable that children’s history courses focus on White people Most U.S leaders have been White so it’s reasonable that children’s history courses focus on White people
lm001fChildren should read books written by people from racial minority groups because those books provide different experiences and perspectives Children should read books written by people from racial minority groups because those books provide different experiences and perspectives
lm001gChildren should learn about the ways White people have been racist historically in the U.S. even if that makes them feel guilty Children should learn about the ways White people have been racist historically in the U.S. even if that makes them feel guilty
lm001hI worry that reading or learning about transgender people in school might make children think about whether they are, or want to be, transgender I worry that reading or learning about transgender people in school might make children think about whether they are, or want to be, transgender
lm001iIncluding LGBTQ topics in school takes too much time away from academic topics like math and science Including LGBTQ topics in school takes too much time away from academic topics like math and science
lm001jI worry that learning about sex or sexuality in school might make children more likely to become sexually active I worry that learning about sex or sexuality in school might make children more likely to become sexually active
lm001kIt's important to include LGBTQ characters, books, and lessons in school because it can make all children more accepting of different sexual and gender identities It's important to include LGBTQ characters, books, and lessons in school because it can make all children more accepting of different sexual and gender identities
lm001lSex education in school helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies and/or sexually transmitted infections Sex education in school helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies and/or sexually transmitted infections
lm001mChildren learning about minority individuals/groups in school takes away time they should spend learning about more important things Children learning about minority individuals/groups in school takes away time they should spend learning about more important things
lm001nWhite authors have written most of the important books over time, so children should mostly read books written by White authorsWhite authors have written most of the important books over time, so children should mostly read books written by White authors
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