q070_order | | shuffled array for q070 table |
q071 | Cashed a check using a check-cashing service at a location that was not a bank or credit union | Cashed a check |
q072 | Sent money to friends or family living outside the US at a location that was not a bank or credit union | Sent money to friends or family living outside the US |
q073 | Took out a payday loan or received a payday advance loan | Took out payday loan or received payday advance loan |
q074 | Used a pawn shop loan | Used a pawn shop loan |
q075 | Used rent-to-own services | Used rent-to-own services |
q076 | Took out a tax refund anticipation loan | Took out a tax refund anticipation loan |
qd070 | Purchased a money order or cashier's check at a location that was not a bank or credit union | Purchased a money order or cashier's check at a location that was not a bank or credit union |