
Variable Question text Label
nm001Have you noticed any new vision problems in the last six months? (please check all that apply) New flashes of light in your vision
nm001_orderorder new vision problems in last six months
nm002aNew flashes of light in your visionhow often New flashes of light in your vision
nm002bNew spots in front of your eye ("floaters") how often New spots in front of your eye ("floaters")
nm002cNew distortion of vision or blurry vision how often New distortion of vision or blurry vision
nm002dNew darkening or graying out of vision how often New darkening or graying out of vision
nm002eNew double vision how often New double vision
nm002fNew glare or haloes how often New glare or haloes
nm002gNew droopy eyelidhow often New droopy eyelid
nm002hOther (^nm001_other)how often Other new symptom
nm003aNew flashes of light in your visionbetter worse New flashes of light in your vision
nm003bNew spots in front of your eye ("floaters") better worse New spots in front of your eye ("floaters")
nm003cNew distortion of vision or blurry vision better worse New distortion of vision or blurry vision
nm003dNew darkening or graying out of vision better worse New darkening or graying out of vision
nm003eNew double vision better worse New double vision
nm003fNew glare or haloes better worse New glare or haloes
nm003gNew droopy eyelidbetter worse New droopy eyelid
nm003hOther (^nm001_other)better worse Other new symptom
nm004Which of your new vision problems is currently bothering you the most?which new vision problem currently bothering most
nm005Are the new flashes of light in your vision in one eye or both eyes at the same time? new flashes of light in vision in one eye or both eyes at same time
nm006Do you see symmetrical heat waves in the center part of your vision that move outward (scintillating scotoma) when you experience new flashes of light in your vision like the image below?
see symmetrical heat waves in center part of vision that move outward
nm007Do you also experience headache or migraine when you experience new flashes of light in your vision?experience headache or migraine when experience new flashes of light in vision
nm008Does the new distortion or blurriness in your vision improve with glasses or contact lenses? new distortion or blurriness in vision improve with glasses or contact lenses
Are there dim, missing, or wavy lines when viewing the Amsler grid?
dim, missing, or wavy lines when viewing Amsler grid
nm010How long does each episode of the darkening or graying out of vision last?how long each episode of darkening or graying out of vision last
nm011Is the darkening or graying in one eye or both eyes?darkening or graying in one eye or both eyes
nm012Do you also have a headache with each episode of darkening or graying out of your vision?have headache with each episode of darkening or graying out of vision
nm013Is there also pain when you move your eyes with each episode of darkening or graying out of your vision?pain when move eyes with each episode of darkening or graying out of vision
nm014Does your new double vision go away when you close your right eye?new double vision go away when close right eye
nm015Does your new double vision go away when you close your left eye?new double vision go away when close left eye
nm016Along with your new droopy eyelid, do you have double vision, headache, weakness, or neck pain? new droopy eyelid have double vision, headache, weakness, or neck pain