
Variable Question text Label
ab001You said you do not have an ABLE account (a savings account for people with disabilities and their families). What is the main reason you do not have one? why not have an ABLE account
ab002How familiar are you with ABLE accounts?how familiar with ABLE accounts
ab003aTrue or false: you must be getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to get an ABLE account.must be getting SSI or SSDI benefits to get an ABLE account
ab003bTrue or false: to be eligible for an ABLE account this year, your disability must have started before age 26. eligible for ABLE account this year, disability must have started before age 26
ab003cTrue or false: you must apply for an ABLE account before age 26.must apply for an ABLE account before age 26.
ab003dTrue or false: if your ABLE account balance is greater than $10,000, it may impact your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. ABLE account balance is greater than $10,000, may impact SSI benefits
af001aIn the past twelve months, did you purchase a money order (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)?Purchased a money order (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)
af001bIn the past twelve months, did you cash a check using a check-cashing service (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)?Cashed a check using a check-cashing service (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)
af001cIn the past twelve months, did you send money to friends or family living outside the US (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)?Sent money to friends or family living outside the US (at a location that was not a bank or credit union)
af001dIn the past twelve months, did you take out a payday loan or receive a payday advance loan?Took out a payday loan or received a payday advance loan
af001eIn the past 12 months, did you pawn an item at a pawn shop? Do not include selling an unwanted item to a pawn shop. pawn an item at a pawn shop
af001fIn the past 12 months, did you rent any items such as furniture or appliances from a rent-to-own store (for example, Aaron’s or Rent-a-Center)? We do not mean stores that offer layaway plans.Used rent-to-own store
af001gIn the past 12 months did you or anyone else in your household use a service to get your tax refund faster than the IRS would provide it? This can include refund anticipation loans and refund advances. Took out a tax refund anticipation loan
af002You said you cashed a check at a place that wasn’t a bank. Why did you not use a bank? Please select all that apply. why not use bank to cash check
af003You said you got a loan from a place that was not a bank. Why did you not take a loan from a bank? Please select all that apply. why not use bank for loan
fn001aDo you have a checking account?have Checking account
fn001bDo you have a savings account?have Savings account
fn001cDo you have a savings in cash outside of a bank account?have Savings in cash outside of a bank account
fn001dDo you have an ABLE account?
An ABLE account is a a tax-advantaged savings account for people with disabilities and their families.
have ABLE account (a tax-advantaged savings account for people with disabilities and their families)
fn002You mentioned you have an ABLE account. Please estimate the current value of that account. Just your best guess will do. current value of ABLE account
fn003There are different reasons people might not have a checking or savings account. Which of the following reasons apply to you? Do you not have an account because...(please select all that apply) why not checking or savings account
fn004How much control do you have over the major financial decisions in your life? how much control over major financial decisions in life
ins001Do you currently have short-term or long-term disability insurance?currently have short-term or long-term disability insurance
ins002Do you currently have life insurance?currently have life insurance