
Variable Question text Label
pv_001aIn uncertain times, I usually expect the bestin uncertain times, I usually expect the best.
pv_001bIt's easy for me to relaxit's easy for me to relax.
pv_001cIf something can go wrong for me, it willif something can go wrong for me, it will.
pv_001dI'm always optimistic about my futurei'm always optimistic about my future.
pv_001eI enjoy my friends a lotI enjoy my friends a lot.
pv_001fIt's important for me to keep busyit's important for me to keep busy.
pv_001gI hardly ever expect things to go my wayI hardly ever expect things to go my way.
pv_001hI don't get upset too easilyI don't get upset too easily.
pv_001iI rarely count on good things happening to meI rarely count on good things happening to me.
pv_001jOverall, I expect more good things to happen to me than badoverall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.
pv_002aI plan tasks carefullyI plan tasks carefully
pv_002bI do things without thinkingI do things without thinking
pv_002cI don't "pay attention"I don't "pay attention"
pv_002dI plan trips well ahead of timeI plan trips well ahead of time
pv_002eI am self-controlledI am self-controlled
pv_002fI concentrate easilyI concentrate easily
pv_002gI am a careful thinkerI am a careful thinker
pv_002hI plan for job securityI plan for job security
pv_002iI say things without thinkingI say things without thinking
pv_002jI act "on impulse"I act "on impulse"
pv_002kI act in the spur of the momentI act in the spur of the moment
pv_002lI am a steady thinkerI am a steady thinker
pv_002mI am future oriented I am future oriented
pv_003aYou lack companionship?You lack companionship?
pv_003bLeft out?Left out?
pv_003cIsolated from others? Isolated from others?