Variable | Question text | Label |
q001 | Based on the student's 5th grade report card above, in 6th grade would you recommend ^FLHimHer for: | math recommendation |
q002 | Based on the student's 5th grade report card above, in 6th grade would you recommend ^FLHimHer for: | english recommendation |
q003 | Children mature from elementary school to middle schools: Do you expect ^FLHisHer behavior to__________ in 6th grade? | behavior change |
q005 | How would you consider your political leanings? | political leaning |
q006 | Are you now, or have you ever been, a teacher, principal, administrator, faculty, counselor, or education-related staff member at any educational facility (e.g. primary, middle or high school, tech school, college, or university)? | current or former education related staff |
randomizer | Indicates displayed vignette | vignette randomizer |