
Variable Question text Label
FLSection5_introintro text section 6
Q17Q26How much ^q17q26_order[q17q26_cnt] contributed to making American Society better?contribution to better US - series
conf_resWhat level of confidence do you have in the objectivity of university research?Confidence in objectivity of university research – new
grade_equalopWhat grade would you give to colleges and universities for the job they are doing in providing all Americans with equal opportunity to succeed?Grad universities on equal opportunities- trend
grade_randomrandom order grade questions
grade_researchWhat grade would you give to colleges and universities for the job they are doing in conducting scientific research?Grad universities on conducting research- trend
grade_studentsWhat grade would you give to colleges and universities for the job they are doing in preparing students to be productive members of the work-force?Grad universities on preparing students- trend
imp_research^FLSection5_intro How important or unimportant is research, as a purpose of colleges and universities?Importance of purpose of universities: research- trend
imp_teach^FLSection5_intro How important or unimportant is teaching, as a purpose of colleges and universities? Importance of purpose of universities: teaching- trend
q17q26_cntcounter for q17 q26 loop
q17q26_orderQ17 Q26 order series
section5orderorder section 5