
Variable Question text Label
ne002How satisfied are you with your neighborhood? satisfied with neighborhood
ne003_orderorder of ne003 questions
ne003aThere are safe and convenient public transit options in my neighborhoodThere are safe and convenient public transit options in my neighborhood
ne003bI am satisfied with the number and quality of businesses and services (grocery stores, health care services, restaurants, etc.) in my neighborhoodI am satisfied with the number and quality of businesses and services
ne003cI am satisfied with the number and quality of parks and green spaces in my neighborhoodI am satisfied with the number and quality of parks and green spaces in my neighborhood
ne003dMy neighborhood is clean and the roads and sidewalks are in good conditionMy neighborhood is clean and the roads and sidewalks are in good condition
ne003eThere is a lot of traffic in or around my neighborhoodThere is a lot of traffic in or around my neighborhood
ne003fMy neighborhood is noisyMy neighborhood is noisy
ne003gVandalism is common in my neighborhoodVandalism is common in my neighborhood
ne003hMy neighborhood is affordable for meMy neighborhood is affordable for me
ne003iIn my neighborhood, people watch out for each otherIn my neighborhood, people watch out for each other
ne003jI can trust most people in my neighborhoodI can trust most people in my neighborhood
ne003kThere are too many people hanging around on the streets near my homeThere are too many people hanging around on the streets near my home
ne003lThere is a lot of crime in my neighborhoodThere is a lot of crime in my neighborhood
ne003mThere is a lot of drug and alcohol use in my neighborhoodThere is a lot of drug and alcohol use in my neighborhood