
Variable Question text Label
clim001In the past thirty days (since ^FL30daysago), did you experience any extreme weather events (for example, extreme heat or cold, severe storm, smoke from wildfire) or natural disaster (for example, hurricane, tornado, tropical storm, wildfire, earthquake, landslide or mudslide, drought, flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami)? experience any extreme weather events
clim002Which of the following extreme weather events or natural disasters did you experience over the last 30 days (since ^FL30daysago)? Check all that apply.Extreme heat
clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
clim004Which of the following consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s), if any, did you experience? Please check all that apply.Temporary evacuation