
Variable Question text Label
LE_HRS001_when_beforeORThis illness, injury, or diagnosis happened before ^FLLastDateOnly. There has been no new illness, injury or diagnosis ^FLLastDateLower
LE_HRS001_when_dayday of illness
LE_HRS001_when_monthWhen did this illness, injury or diagnosis happened? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will do.month of illness
LE_HRS001_when_yearyear of illness
LE_HRS001a^FLLastDate, did you suffer the ONSET of a serious illness, were injured, or were diagnosed with a new disease? Select all that apply.I fell down or was injured in an accident
empl1^FLLastDate, has there been a change in your employment situation? change in employment status
empl2Which of the following describe your change in employment situation. Select all that apply.I started a business
empl3What were the main reasons for this change? Select all that apply.Business closed
empl_f2Which of the following describe your change in jobs?what best describes change in employment situation
empl_when_beforeORThis change happened before ^FLLastDateOnly. There has been no change in my employment situation ^FLLastDateLower
empl_when_dayday of employment change
empl_when_monthWhen did this change occur? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will of employment change
empl_when_yearyear of employment change
fin1Have you experienced a major change in your financial situation ^FLLastDateLower?experienced a major change in financial situation
fin1_when_beforeORThis change in my financial situation happened before ^FLLastDateOnly. There has been no major change in my financial situation ^FLLastDateLower
fin1_when_dayday of financial change
fin1_when_monthWhen did this major change in your financial situation happen? If you aren't sure of the exact date, just your best guess will do. date of financial change
fin1_when_yearyear of financial change
fin2Was this a positive change or a negative change?positive change or a negative change
fin3What were the primary reasons for this change? Select all that apply.I lost a job, or faced a reduction in work hours/income
fin4What were the primary reasons for this change? Select all that apply.I started working, increased my work hours, or received a raise