
Variable Question text Label
nrp004In your ^FLGroup group are there people with roles that are clear to all members of the group?people with roles that are clear to all members of group
nrp004aWould it enhance or reduce the group experience if roles were clearly labeled?enhance or reduce group experience if clearly labeled roles
nrp004bDo you recall a time (or times) when you have wanted to communicate exclusively with members in a specific role(s)?recall time wanted to communicate exclusively with members in specific role
pr000aFacebookFacebook account
pr000bDiscordDiscord account
pr000cRedditReddit account
pr001Are you a member of ^FLPlatforms?

By “group” we mean an online community with shared interests or purposes who use the internet to communicate with each other. ^FLOpenText[1]
member of a group within Facebook, Discord, Reddit
pr003Is ^pr002 on ^FLPlatformsShort?group on Facebook, Discord, or Reddit
pr003_optionsoptions group on Facebook, Discord, or Reddit
pr004How big is this group?how big is group
pr005What is ^FLGroup about? (select the one that fits best)what is group about
pr005_orderorder what is group about
pr007Is ^FLGroup a Public or Private group?group public or private?
pr007a_1In your opinion, should this group be public?should group be public
pr007a_2Does the fact that ^FLGroup is public affect your participation in it?group public affect participation
pr007b_1In your opinion, should this group be private?should group be private
pr007b_2Does the fact that ^FLGroup is private affect your participation in it?group private affect participation
pr011Can you think of a time when you wanted to post or comment in ^FLGroup but chose not to?think of time wanted to post or comment but chose not to
pr011aWhy did you decide not to post or comment? Check all that apply.There are too many people I don't know in the group
pr_versionprivacy versionprivacy version
privacy_beginbegin privacy section
privacy_endend privacy section
privacy_timetime spent privacy section