
Variable Question text Label
at001aActions should be taken to address climate change. Actions should be taken to address climate change.
at001bGenerally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine. Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
at001cGenerally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school. Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
at001dYoung people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty. Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
at001ePeople born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports. People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
at001fA woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so. A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
at001gAdults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so. Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
at001hIn two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young. In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
at001iSingle parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry. Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
at001jPublic school children should stay home during a public health crisis. Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
at001kBooks on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
at001lPublic school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.