
Variable Question text Label
LE001_followupYou answered that you experienced the onset of a new illness or injury both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether you experienced two separate instances of injuries or onset of illnesses, or whether this this corresponds to the same event.

Please choose a response:
followup le001
LE002_followupYou answered that a close relative suffered the onset of a new illness or injury or was assaulted both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether there were two separate instances of injuries or onset of illnesses for close relatives, or whether this this corresponds to the same event.followup le002
LE003_followupYou answered that someone close to you passed away both in this survey and last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether there were two separate instances of close relatives who passed away, or whether this corresponds to a single instance.followup le003
LE005_followupYou answered that you experienced the onset of a major problem with a close friend or relative both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether there were two separate instances of a major problem with a close friend or relative, or whether this corresponds to a single instance.followup le005
LE006_followupYou answered that you become unemployed in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether become unemployed twice, or whether this corresponds to a single instance.followup le006
LE007_followupYou answered that you retired, both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm you retired twice, or whether this corresponds to a single instance:followup le007
LE009_followupYou answered that you had a major setback in your financial situation both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether you had major setbacks in both ^FLTwoMonthsAgo and ^FLMonth, or whether this corresponds to a single setback.followup le009
LE010_followupYou answered that you had a major legal problem both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether you had major legal problems in both ^FLTwoMonthsAgo and ^FLMonth, or whether this corresponds to a single problem.followup le010
LE013_followupYou answered that you had a positive change in your financial situation both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm whether you had positives changes in both ^FLTwoMonthsAgo and ^FLMonth, or whether this corresponds to a single change. followup le013
LE014_followupYou answered that you went on a special vacation both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm you went on vacation twice, or whether this corresponds to a single vacation.followup le014
LE016_followupYou answered that you moved to a better neighborhood both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm you moved twice, or whether this corresponds to a single move.followup le016
LE017_followupYou answered that you experienced the birth of a grandchild both in this survey and in last month’s survey. We want to make sure we understand your answer. To be sure, can you please confirm a grandchild was born in ^FLTwoMonthsAgo and another one in ^FLMonth, or whether this corresponds to a single grandchild.followup le017