
Variable Question text Label
sc001aFacebookuse Facebook
sc001bInstagramuse Instagram
sc001cTwitteruse Twitter
sc002aHow many minutes do you spend on social media in a day on average?minutes spend on social media in a day on average
sc002bHow many minutes did you spend on social media last night before you went to sleep? minutes spend on social media last night before you went to sleep
sc002cHow many minutes do you spend on social media during working hours on a weekday on average? minutes spend on social media during working hours on a weekday on average
sc002dHow many hours do you sleep daily on average? hours you sleep daily on average
sc003a1FacebookYear started using Facebook
sc003a2InstagramYear started using Instagram
sc003a3TwitterYear started using Twitter
sc003b1Number of friends, or connections on your account Facebook
sc003b2Number of friends, or connections on your account Instagram
sc003b3Number of friends, or connections on your account Twitter
sc003c1Number of people who follow you Facebook
sc003c2Number of people who follow you Instagram
sc003c3Number of people who follow you Twitter
sc004aWhen using social media I usually support versus pressure

When using social media I usually feel...
happy versus unhappy

When using social media I usually feel...
anxious versus relaxed
sc005aBecause of social media I get...get much less sleep versus get much more sleep

Because of social media I use...
Use much less versus use much more recreational drugs/alcohol