ed001a | Preschool or day care | preschool or day care |
ed001b | Elementary school | elementary school |
ed001c | Middle school or junior high | middle school or junior high |
ed001d | High school | high school |
ed001e | College or trade school, including four-year colleges, community colleges, technical institutes, and vocational schools | college or trade school |
ed018 | Which of the following best describes your household’s internet access?
| internet access children |
educationreward | | reward for education section |
haveselectedchild | | previous randomly selected child still in grade k-12 |
preload_selectedchild | | previous survey k-12 selected child |
se002a | Longer school days | Longer school days |
se002b | A longer school year (more days of instruction, fewer days off) | A longer school year (more days of instruction, fewer days off) |
se002c | No longer requiring tests like the SAT or ACT to get in to college
| No longer requiring tests like the SAT or ACT to get in to college |
se002d | Sending students on to the next grade level even if they do not meet requirements for advancing | Sending students on to the next grade level even if they do not meet requirements for advancing |
se002f | Using pass/fail for grades instead of A-F letter grades | Using pass/fail for grades instead of A-F letter grades |
se002g | A shorter summer vacation | A shorter summer vacation |
se007a | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s psychological well-being
| child psychological well-being |
se007b | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationships with peers
| child relationships with peers |
se007c | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationships with teachers
| child relationships with teachers |
se007d | ^selectednames[selectedchild] missing out on school-sponsored extracurricular activities
| child missing out on school-sponsored extracurricular activities |
se007e | The amount ^selectednames[selectedchild] is learning this year compared to a typical school year | child amount learning |
se007f | How engaged ^selectednames[selectedchild] is in school this year
| child how engaged |
se007g | How ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing socially | child doing socially |
se007h | How ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing emotionally
| child doing emotionally |
se007i | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in math
| child progress in math |
se007j | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in science
| child progress in science |
se007k | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in reading/language arts
| child progress in reading/language arts |
selectedchild | | selected child |
sl042a | To what extent was this change influenced by experiences during the COVID pandemic? | change influenced by covid |
sl055 | Over the past few months, you have answered questions about ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild]'s school experiences. Is ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild] still a student in elementary, middle, or high school for the 2021-22 school year? | random selected child still in k-12 |
sl056 | In what grade is ^selectednames[selectedchild] this year (the 2021-2022 school year)? | grade of selected child |
sl057 | Does ^selectednames[selectedchild] attend a different school than they did in 2020-21? | selected child in different school |
sl060a | Approximately what percent of the students at ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s school are currently attending school in person? | percent currently attending in person |
sl061a | How is ^selectednames[selectedchild] currently attending school? | how currently attending school |
sl062a | Given the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in your area and your school’s safety protocols, how would you prefer ^selectednames[selectedchild] to attend school right now?
| how prefer attending school |
sl063 | Has ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s school provided tutoring or additional small group instruction to help ^selectednames[selectedchild] catch up or to help stay on track this year?
| school provided tutoring |
sl066a_fall2020 | Quality of education | fall 2020 quality of education |
sl066a_fall2021 | Quality of education | fall 2021 quality of education |
sl066b_fall2020 | Quality of feedback from teacher(s) | fall 2020 quality of feedback from teacher(s) |
sl066b_fall2021 | Quality of feedback from teacher(s) | fall 2021 quality of feedback from teacher(s) |
sl066c_fall2020 | Keeping ^selectednames[selectedchild] engaged | fall 2020 keeping selected child engaged |
sl066c_fall2021 | Keeping ^selectednames[selectedchild] engaged | fall 2021 keeping selected child engaged |
sl066d_fall2020 | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationship(s) with teacher(s) | fall 2020 students’ relationship(s) with teacher(s) |
sl066d_fall2021 | ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s relationship(s) with teacher(s) | fall 2021 students’ relationship(s) with teacher(s) |
sl066e_fall2020 | Quality of instruction in science | fall 2020 quality of instruction in science |
sl066e_fall2021 | Quality of instruction in science | fall 2021 quality of instruction in science |
sl066f_fall2020 | Quality of instruction in mathematics | fall 2020 quality of instruction in mathematics |
sl066f_fall2021 | Quality of instruction in mathematics | fall 2021 quality of instruction in mathematics |
sl066g_fall2020 | Quality of instruction in English Language Arts | fall 2020 quality of instruction in English Language Arts |
sl066g_fall2021 | Quality of instruction in English Language Arts | fall 2021 quality of instruction in English Language Arts |
sl066h_fall2020 | Keeping students healthy | fall 2020 keeping students healthy |
sl066h_fall2021 | Keeping students healthy | fall 2021 keeping students healthy |
sl066i_fall2020 | Creating a positive school climate | fall 2020 creating a positive school climate |
sl066i_fall2021 | Creating a positive school climate | fall 2021 creating a positive school climate |
sl066j_fall2020 | Clear disciplinary processes | fall 2020 clear disciplinary processes |
sl066j_fall2021 | Clear disciplinary processes | fall 2021 clear disciplinary processes |
sl074a | The country would be better off if we just sent students back to school in person. | the country would be better off if we just sent students back to school in person |
sl074d | School closures are more harmful for children than the risk of COVID-19. | school closures are more harmful for children than the risk of COVID-19 |
sl074e | Children are NOT at serious risk of health effects from COVID-19. | children are NOT at serious risk of health effects from COVID-19. |
sl079 | What type of school is ^selectednames[selectedchild] attending in the 2021-22 school year (regardless of whether in-person, hybrid, or fully virtual which we will also ask about)?
| type of child selected child |
sl087a | Quarantine policies/procedures for ^selectednames[selectedchild] if s/he tests positive for COVID | Quarantine policies/procedures if child positive |
sl087b | Quarantine policies/procedures for ^selectednames[selectedchild] if there is a positive COVID case in your child’s classroom | Quarantine policies/procedures if positive in classroom |
sl087c | Quarantine policies/procedures for ^selectednames[selectedchild] if there is a positive COVID case among your family or friends | Quarantine policies/procedures if positive in family/friends |
sl088 | How many days did ^selectednames[selectedchild] miss school during the last two weeks due to actual or potential COVID exposure? | how many days missed school due to potential or actual covid exposure |
sl089 | Is ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s school offering virtual learning on days when students can't go to school (either for exposure or being sick with covid)? | school offering virtual learning |
sl090 | If your child has had to participate in remote learning this year due to quarantine, how satisfied were you with the learning provided to ^selectednames[selectedchild] while quarantining at home? | how satisfied with virtual learning |
sl091a | Assess where ^selectednames[selectedchild] is academically at the start of the year? | Assess where child is academically at the start of the year |
sl091b | Adjust classroom teaching/learning to catch ^selectednames[selectedchild] up on any losses from last year? | Adjust classroom teaching/learning for child to catch up on any losses from last year |
sl091c | Provide additional academic supports to help when ^selectednames[selectedchild] is struggling? | Provide additional academic supports to help child when struggling |
sl091d | Meet ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s mental health needs? | Meet child mental health needs |
sl091e | Meet ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s needs for social interaction with peers? | Meet child needs for social interaction with peers |
sl091f | Ensure ^selectednames[selectedchild] is on track for graduating on time? | Ensure child is on track for graduating on time |
sl091g | Encourage ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s daily attendance? | Encourage child daily attendance |
sl091h | Assist our family with transportation needs? | Assist family with transportation needs |
sl092_sl093_randomizer | | randomizer open questions sl092 sl093 |
sl094a | Their risk of exposure to COVID during the regular school day? | Their risk of exposure to COVID during the regular school day |
sl094b | Their risk of exposure to COVID during transportation to/from school? | Their risk of exposure to COVID during transportation to/from school |
sl094c | Their risk of missing school due to Covid? | risk of missing school due to covid |
sl095a | Canceling all standardized tests for the 2021-22 school year | Canceling all standardized tests for the 2021-22 school year |
sl095b | Vaccine mandates for teachers | Vaccine mandates for teachers |
sl095c | Vaccine mandates for children 12 and over | Vaccine mandates for children 12 and over |
sl095d | Vaccine mandates for children under age 12 when approved | Vaccine mandates for children under age 12 when approved |
sl095e | Required masks for all unvaccinated students and teachers | Required masks for all unvaccinated students and teachers |
sl095f | Required masks for all students and teachers regardless of whether vaccinated | Required masks for all students and teachers regardless of whether vaccinated |
sl095g | Withholding money from schools that enforce mask mandates | Withholding money from schools that enforce mask mandates |
sl095h | Withholding money from schools that enforce vaccine mandates for students who are eligible to receive a vaccine | Withholding money from schools that enforce vaccine mandates for students who are eligible to receive a vaccine |
sl096a | School policy requires students to wear masks at all times. | School policy requires students to wear masks at all times |
sl096b | School policy requires teachers to wear masks at all times. | School policy requires teachers to wear masks at all times |
sl096c | School policy requires students 12 and over to be vaccinated. | School policy requires students 12 and over to be vaccinated |
sl096d | School policy requires teachers to be vaccinated. | School policy requires teachers to be vaccinated |
totalk12 | | total number of kids in elementary, middle, or high school |