
Variable Question text Label
ageflagselected child age flag
ed001aPreschool or day carepreschool or day care
ed001bElementary schoolelementary school
ed001cMiddle school or junior highmiddle school or junior high
ed001dHigh schoolhigh school
ed001eCollege or trade school, including four-year colleges, community colleges, technical institutes, and vocational schoolscollege or trade school
educationrewardreward for education section
haveselectedchildprevious randomly selected child still in grade k-12
preload_selectedchildprevious survey k-12 selected child
sd001How old is ^selectednames[selectedchild] (in years)? age selected child
sd002What is ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s gender? gender selected child
sd003aConsiderate of other people's feelingsConsiderate of other people's feelings
sd003bRestless, overactive, cannot stay still for longRestless, overactive, cannot stay still for long
sd003cOften complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sicknessOften complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness
sd003d^FL_sd003dShares readily with other youth, for example books, games, food
sd003eOften loses temperOften loses temper
sd003f^FL_sd003fWould rather be alone
sd003gGenerally well behaved, usually does what adults requestGenerally well behaved, usually does what adults request
sd003hMany worries or often seems worried Many worries or often seems worried
sd003iHelpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill
sd003jConstantly fidgeting or squirming Constantly fidgeting or squirming
sd003kHas at least one good friendHas at least one good friend
sd003l^FL_sd003lOften fights with others or bullies them
sd003mOften unhappy, depressed or tearfulOften unhappy, depressed or tearful
sd003n^FL_sd003nGenerally liked by others
sd003oEasily distracted, concentration wandersEasily distracted, concentration wanders
sd003p^FL_sd003pNervous in new situations, easily loses confidence
sd003qKind to younger childrenKind to younger children
sd003rOften lies or cheatsOften lies or cheats
sd003s^FL_sd003sPicked on or bullied by others
sd003t^FL_sd003tOften offers to help others (parents, teachers, children)
sd003uThinks things out before actingThinks things out before acting
sd003vSteals from home, school or elsewhereSteals from home, school or elsewhere
sd003w^FL_sd003wGets along better with adults than with others
sd003yMany fears, easily scaredMany fears, easily scared
sd003zGood attention span, sees work through to the endGood attention span, sees work through to the end
se007a^selectednames[selectedchild]'s psychological well-being child psychological well-being
se007eThe amount ^selectednames[selectedchild] is learning this year compared to a typical school yearchild amount learning
se007fHow engaged ^selectednames[selectedchild] is in school this year child how engaged
se007gHow ^selectednames[selectedchild] is doing sociallychild doing socially
se007i^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in math child progress in math
se007j^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in science child progress in science
se007k^selectednames[selectedchild]'s progress in reading/language arts child progress in reading/language arts
se010aSummer School (2022)Summer School (2022)
se010eMental health supports (e.g., counseling, case management, support programs based on specific needs)Mental health supports
se010fSchool-sponsored after school activities including sports, fine arts programs like band or dance, or other enrichment activities (e.g., chess club, yearbook club)School-sponsored after school activities
se010gTutoring Tutoring
se010g_1Is the tutoring online or in-person?tutoring online or in-person
se010g_2Is the tutoring:tutoring group size
se010g_3Is the tutoring during school, before school, or after school?tutoring when
se011aSummer School (2022)participating summer school (2022)
se011eMental health supports (e.g., counseling, case management, support programs based on specific needs)participating mental health supports
se011fSchool-sponsored after school activities including sports, fine arts programs like band or dance, or other enrichment activities (e.g., chess club, yearbook club)participating school-sponsored after school activities
se011gTutoring participating tutoring
se012aSummer School (2022)sign up summer school (2022)
se012eMental health supports (e.g., counseling, case management, support programs based on specific needs)sign up mental health supports
se012fSchool-sponsored after school activities including sports, fine arts programs like band or dance, enrichment activities (e.g., chess club, yearbook club)sign up school-sponsored after school activities
se012gTutoring sign up tutoring
se014aIn school, specifically in mathimpact in school, specifically in math
se014bIn school, specifically in reading/writing (English Language Arts/ELA)impact In school, specifically in reading/writing (English Language Arts/ELA)
se014cIn school, specifically in scienceimpact In school, specifically in science
se014dIn school, specifically in social studies impact in school, specifically in social studies
se014eSociallyimpact Socially
se014fBehaviorallyimpact Behaviorally
se014gIn terms of mental healthimpact in terms of mental health
se014hIn terms of physical healthimpact in terms of physical health
se015_orderorder answer options experiences se015a and se015b
se015aBefore the pandemic began in March 2020, which of the following had ^selectednames[selectedchild] been experiencing (select all that apply):Poor grades
se015bOver the past three months, which of the following has ^selectednames[selectedchild] been experiencing (select all that apply):Poor grades
selectedchildselected child
sl055Over the past few months, you have answered questions about ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild]'s school experiences. Is ^preload_selectednames[preload_selectedchild] still a student in elementary, middle, or high school for the 2021-22 school year?random selected child still in k-12
sl056In what grade is ^selectednames[selectedchild] this year (the 2021-2022 school year)?grade of selected child
sl057aIs ^selectednames[selectedchild] homeschooled or enrolled in a public, private, charter, or virtual school for the 2020-21 school year (even if currently attending school from home), or does some other situation apply?homeschooled or enrolled in any type of school
sl058aWhat kind of school is ^selectednames[selectedchild] enrolled in? kind of school enrolled in
sl061aHow is ^selectednames[selectedchild] currently attending school? how currently attending school
sl062aGiven the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in your area and your school’s safety protocols, how would you prefer ^selectednames[selectedchild] to attend school right now? how prefer attending school
sl120What is your relationship to ^selectednames[selectedchild]? Please answer as best as you can for this child. relationship to selected child
totalk12total number of kids in elementary, middle, or high school