
Variable Question text Label
X_maxX max
X_minX min
f002In the next few questions, we would like you to think about what your future work experience and annual earnings on average might be ^FLRelevantAge[cnt].

Think about the period ^FLRelevantAge2[cnt]: on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means no chance at all and 100 means absolutely certain, how certain are you that you will be working during that period?

You can click on the point on the scale below that best represents your answer or you can also type your answer in the textbox below the scale.
how certain reduce working
f002_periodsnumber of periods asked
f003_aWhat do you think is the highest amount per year you could possibly earn on average ^FLRelevantAge[cnt]? highest amount could earn
f003_bWhat do you think is the lowest amount per year you could possibly earn on average ^FLRelevantAge[cnt]? lowest amount could earn
f004_bNow we would like you to think again about your future annual earnings from work ^FLRelevantAge[cnt]. Based on what you told us before about your possible minimum and maximum earnings during this period, we have chosen ^n[cnt] bins. Remember, the more likely you think it is that your average earnings this period will fall in a given bin, the more balls you should put in it. Start putting balls in bins!

NOTE: Remember, you can add or remove multiple balls at the same time by changing the number in the box below the balls. For example, if you change the number in the box to "5" and click a plus button below a bin, 5 balls will be added to that bin. Similarly, if there are 4 balls in a bin and you would like to remove 3, you can enter "3" in the box below the balls and click the minus button below that bin.
future earnings
minimum_ageminimum retirement age