
Variable Question text Label
CS2Do you know your credit score?know credit score
CS3_aHow would you rate your current credit score?how rate credit score
CS3_bIf you had to guess, how would you rate your current credit score?guess how rate credit score
CS4_aWhich of the following brackets does your current credit score fall into?current credit score
CS4_bMost likely, which of the following brackets does your current credit score fall into?guess current credit score
monthIndicates the monthly survey number. Appears here as a test question only.month number
q001After meeting regular bills and paying expenses, did your household save any money in the last calendar month?save any money
q001_a_aCashCash saved
q001_a_bChecking/savings accountChecking/savings account saved
q001_a_cStocks, mutual funds, investment trustsStocks, mutual funds, investment trusts saved
q001_a_dCD, government savings bonds, T-billsCD, government savings bonds, T-bills saved
q001_a_eBonds, bond fundsBonds, bond funds saved
q001_a_fRetirement plan (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), IRA)Retirement plan (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), IRA) saved
q001_a_gOtherOther saved
q002In the last calendar month did your household tap into any existing savings to meet regular bills and pay expenses?tap into savings
q002_a_aCashCash spent
q002_a_bChecking/savings accountChecking/savings account spent
q002_a_cStocks, mutual funds, investment trustsStocks, mutual funds, investment trusts spent
q002_a_dCD, government savings bonds, T-billsCD, government savings bonds, T-bills spent
q002_a_eBonds, bond fundsBonds, bond funds spent
q002_a_fRetirement plan (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), IRA)Retirement plan (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), IRA) spent
q002_a_gOtherOther spent
q003During the last month, did you carry an unpaid balance on any credit card from one month to the next (that is, you did not pay the balance in full at the monthly due date)?carried balance
q003_aLast month, on which of your credit cards did you carry an unpaid balance?which credit cards carry balance
q003_b^creditcards[cnt]amount owned
q003_cConsidering all your credit cards combined, how would you compare your unpaid balance last month to your unpaid balance 2 months ago? Last month’s unpaid balance was...balance lower higher
q004How helpful do you think receiving your monthly updated credit score information is?