
Variable Question text Label
ec001Generally speaking, do you feel that the country is headed in the right direction, or is it off on the wrong track? right track, wrong track
ec001_randomizerec001 options order randomizerec001 randomizer
ec002Overall, how difficult is it for your household to make ends meet with your current household income?making ends meet
ec002_randomizerec002 options order randomizerec002 randomizer
ec003Would you say that you (and your family) are better off or worse off financially than you were a year ago? better,worse off than year ago
ec003_randomizerec003 options order randomizerec003 randomizer
ec004Now looking ahead--do you think that a year from now you (and your family) will be better off financially or worse off, or just about the same as now?better,worse off next year
ec004_randomizerec004 options order randomizerec004 randomizer
ec005When I think of the financial situation of my household over the next 12 months, I feel:household financial situation next 12 months
ec005_randomizerec005 options order randomizerec005 randomizer