
Variable Question text Label
KA002AEating more vegetables and fruitEATING MORE FRUIT/VEGETABLES
KA002BEating less fat/fatty foodsEATING LESS FAT
KA002CEating less salt/salty foodsEATING LESS SALT
KA002DConsuming less sugary foods or drinksCONSUMING LESS SUGAR
KA002EEating more fresh food/less processed foodsEATING MORE FRESH FOOD
KA002FEating fewer caloriesEATING FEWER CALORIES
KA002GEating smaller portionsEATING SMALLER PORTIONS
KA002HEating more organic foodsEATING MORE ORGANIC FOODS
KA002IEating more foods from local farms or local sourcesEATING MORE FROM LOCAL FARMS
KA003JWhat a child eatsWHAT A CHILD EATS
KA003KHow much exercise a child getsEXERCISE A CHILD GETS
KA003LHow much a child eatsHOW MUCH A CHILD EATS
KA003MHow much time a child spends watching TV, using a computer, and/or playing video gamesTIME CHILD SPENDS WATCHING TV
KA003NHow much a child weighsHOW MUCH A CHILD WEIGHS
KA004AExpensive cost of healthy foodsEXPENSIVE COST
KA004BToo many snack foods and junk foods availableTOO MANY SNACK FOODS
KA004CNot enough healthy options availableNOT ENOUGH HEALTHY OPTIONS
KA004DHaving to eat out of the houseHAVING TO EAT OUT
KA004EPressure from peers or relatives to eat unhealthy foodsPRESSURE FROM PEERS
KA004FUnhealthy food advertisingUNHEALTHY FOOD ADVERTISING
KA004GNot enough time to prepare healthy mealsNOT ENOUGH TIME TO PREPARE
KA004HUnhealthy foods served in schoolsUNHEALTHY SCHOOL FOODS
KA004IGetting my ^FLKA004_1 to like eating healthy foodsGETTING CHILD TO EAT HEALTHY