
Variable Question text Label
SA003Do you agree with the following statement: “I would rather pay a higher premium in order to have a lower deductible in case I need to get costly health care”.rather pay high premium for low deductible
SA004Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?health in generalk
SA005In general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?rate mental health
hi001If an insurance policy has a higher deductible the premium should be lower, everything else equal.higher deductible premium should be lower
hi002If you visit a doctor who is not part of your insurer’s network you will have to pay more out-of-pocket.outside network more out of pocket
hi004Which type of insurer places greater restrictions on patient’s choices of the providers they see?which insurer has greater restriction
hi005Which of the following best describes a deductible?describe deductible
truefalse_randIndicates true/false orderIndicates true/false order