The menu at the top of this page provides links to documents and data from the Understanding America Study's Understanding Coronavirus in America (“Covid”) survey of attitudes and behaviors around the Novel Coronavirus pandemic in the United States. The project was launched with a stand-alone survey on March 10, 2021 (wave 1). The tracking survey (waves 2-29) included a national long-form questionnaire and a Los Angeles County short-form questionnaire and ran from April 1, 2020 through July 2021 . Tracking survey waves 2-24 were administered bi-weekly (national) and weekly (LA County) from April 1 2020 through February 16 2021. Survey waves 25-29 were administered monthly (national) and bi-weekly (LA County)from February 17-July 20, 2021. Subsequent waves are conducted as stand-alone surveys.
A comparison of the UAS Covid-19 data with several other Covid-19 survey data sources is available in the UAS Covid-19 Comparison With Other Data Sources.
Reports, questionnaires, toplines, single data files, a longitudinal data file, and documentation are provided after the end of each wave of the UAS COVID survey. The data may be accessed via the Data tab in the menu above (or directly here for National Survey Data and Los Angeles Survey Data data). Details on how to access Covid survey microdata are also found on the Data tab. Reports, questionnaires, toplines and other documentation are located in the Documentation tab. Press releases, graphics, and other reports are provided via the Press tab. Browse publications associated with this data collection on the Publications tab. If you are interested specifically in education, visit the Understanding America Study (UAS) Education Project.
Interested in adding your own questions? Check out the Add your own tab.
To see a virtual exploration of the different documents and data from the Understanding America Study's Understanding Coronavirus in America check out our webinar (slides available here).
To interactively explore the Understanding Coronavirus in America data through graphics updated daily, visit our tracking survey site at https://covid19pulse.usc.edu.
The menu at the very top of this site provides links to methodological information about the Understanding America Study online panel, as well as lists of data from other surveys that may be linked to our Covid-19 data.
For more information or if you have any questions, submit a question here or contact us at uas-l@maillist.usc.edu.
Acknowledgement to include in presentations and publications based on UAS covid data sets
Please use this version of the acknowledgement included in your data use agreement, to which we have added our main funders.
The project described in this paper relies on data from survey(s) administered by the Understanding America Study, which is maintained by the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the University of Southern California. The content of this paper is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of USC or UAS. The collection of the UAS COVID-19 tracking data is supported in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and by grant U01AG054580 from the National Institute on Aging, and many others.