

General information

Question text: A scientist is conducting a study to determine how well a new medication treats ear infections. The scientist tells the participants to put 10 drops in their infected ear each day. After two weeks, all participants’ ear infections had healed. No one who used the ear drops experienced any side effects. Which of the following changes to the design of this study would most improve the ability to test if the new medication effectively treats ear infections?
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Create a second group of participants with ear infections who do not use any ear drops
2 Create a second group of participants with ear infections who use 15 drops a day
3 Have participants use ear drops for only 1 week
4 Have participants put ear drops in both their infected ear and healthy ear
5 Don't know
6 Prefer not to say
Label: which changes most improve ability to test ear infection medication
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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