

General information

Question text: Do you currently use a smart watch or a wearable fitness tracker of any kind? By that we mean any kind of device such as a watch or a ring or any other wearable device that keeps track of workouts, or counts steps, or any other kind of health or fitness tracking. Don’t count your smart phone, if you have one, and don’t count medical devices (e.g. a Holter Monitor) that your doctor may have asked you to wear.
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Yes, I currently use a wearable fitness tracker
2 No, I do not currently use a wearable fitness tracker but I have done so in the past
3 No, I have never worn a wearable fitness tracker
Label: use smart watch or wearable fitness tracker
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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