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Question text: Two of the following statements about Medicare Part D are correct and the others are not. Which two of the following statements about Medicare Part D are correct?
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Some Medicare Part D high income beneficiaries pay more for the same plan because they are subject to monthly surcharges
2 In Medicare Part D, the copayment a person pays for each insured prescription drug is the same no matter how much the person consumes of prescription drugs in total over the year
3 Medicare Part D has a late enrollment penalty. That means that the price of a Medicare Part D plan becomes higher with each year that a consumer is not enrolled
4 Medicare Part D plans all have the same premiums and include the same drugs in the formulary with the same copayments
5 Medicare Part D plans were created by the changes in the health care system introduced by the Affordable Care Act in 2010
6 Medicare Part D plans are offered nationally, which means that I can find the same plan in every state in the United States
7 Medicare Part D plans may use "preferred pharmacies", which means that individuals enrolled in that plan can only buy drugs from those pharmacies
Label: correct statements about medicare D
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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