

General information

Question text: Imagine Ms. Helen Johnson, who is 68 and earning $50,000 per year from her full-time job. She has never claimed Social Security benefits but has found out that she will be entitled to a $1,600 monthly retirement benefit if she starts claiming when she turns 70. Which statement is correct? Please give us your best guess if you are not sure.
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 She cannot claim before 70 unless she stops working
2 She can start claiming now, and should start claiming right away since her monthly benefit will not increase by waiting longer
3 She should start claiming at 72 since her benefit at that age will be higher than if she claims earlier
4 She can claim now, but her benefit will be somewhat lower than if she waits until she turns 70.
Label: when can start claiming
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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