

General information

Question text: Do you currently participate in any of the following federal, state, or local housing assistance programs? Please check all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Housing Voucher Program
2 Public housing (government-owned housing project)
3 Subsidized rental housing (private rental that offers reduced rent)
4 Permanent Supportive Housing (permanent housing with supportive health services)
5 Transitional housing (temporary housing with supportive health services, e.g. CalWorks program or halfway house)
6 Other. Please specify: ~ne009_other
7 I don't know. Please explain: ~ne009_dk
8 No, I do not participate in any housing assistance programs
Label: currently participate in any of the following federal, state, or local housing assistance programs
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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