

General information

Question text:

Remember: You can earn up to $10 for this part. The amount you earn depends on the decisions you make, so you should read carefully!

UNCERTAIN DAMAGE RATE: The chance of your machine being damaged is ^FLIN002[cnt]. ^FLRange

Please move the slider to indicate the maximum amount you are willing to pay for insurance.

Remember, if the amount you are willing to pay is higher than the actual price, then you will pay for insurance at the actual price, whether or not your machine is damaged. Should there be damage, your machine will be replaced and will pay out 100 virtual dollars. If the amount you are willing to pay is less than the actual price, then you will not pay for insurance, but if damage occurs, your machine will not be replaced and will not pay out any money.

Answer type: Slider
Label: ranged risk amount willing to pay insurance
Empty allowed: Allowed without warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

Data information for in_002_1_

To download data for this survey, please login with your username and password. Note: if your account is expired, you will need to reactivate your access to view or download data.