UAS 629


What do People Know about Social Security Wave 5 (UAS457 is Wave 4, UAS231 is Wave 3, UAS94 is Wave 2, UAS16 is Wave 1)

Section Description
Base Base questions
Demographics Demographics
ssa SSA Module 1
ssa2 SSA Module 2
naming Naming
internet Internet literacy
Closing Closing questions
UAS 629 - Response Overview #
Size of selected sample 4450
Completed the survey 924
Started but did not complete the survey 47
Did not start the survey 3479
Response rate 20.76%
Timing Distribution
Additional Information
Sample selection All active respondents who did not participate in UAS457 OR completed UAS457 more than two years ago.
Language(s) English/Spanish
Field dates July 16, 2024
Under embargo Yes
Average Time 14 minutes