
Variable Question text Label
appl2When did you first apply for disability benefits?first apply for disability benefits
appl2_followup1About how many months ago did you submit your application?no of months first apply for disability benefits
appl2_followup2Approximately how long ago did you first apply for benefits? nonresponse first apply for disability benefits
appl3Did you receive any assistance in preparing and submitting your claim? receive assistance with claim
appl4How was the application submitted? how submitted application
appl5How would you rate the process of preparing and submitting your claim? rate process of making claim
appl6For this application, did you provide medical records (such as notes from doctors)?provide medical records
appl7For this application, were you asked by SSA/the office of Disability Determination Services to visit a doctor?asked by SSA to visit doctor
appl8What was the outcome of the first application? outcome first application
appl9How long did it take to hear back on your application?how long to hear back from application
appl9bHow did you support yourself while you waited for your disability decision? Please select all that apply. Worked full-time
appl10Why was it rejected? why application rejected
appl11What did you do after your disability application was rejected? action after application was rejected
appl12Did you receive any assistance in preparing the appeal? I did not receive any assistance
appl13What was the final outcome for this application? final outcome of appeal
appl14How long did it take between the first appeal and the final decision on your application?how long to hear back between first appeal and final decision
appl15Did you submit a new application?submit new application
appl_2_minimumminimum year for when first applied benefits
appl_b1_monthmonth how long waited after first application apply again
appl_b1_yearThe following questions are about the second time you applied for disability benefits.

How long did you wait after your first application was rejected before you applied again?
year how long waited after first application apply again
appl_b2_monthmonth how long ago second application
appl_b2_yearAbout how long ago was this?year how long ago second application
appl_b3Did you receive any assistance in preparing and submitting your claim? receive assistance with second application
appl_b4How was the second application submitted? how submitted second application
appl_b5How would you rate the process of preparing and submitting your claim? rate process of making second application
appl_b6For this application, did you provide medical records (such as notes from doctors)?provide medical records second application
appl_b7For this application, were you asked by SSA/the office of Disability Determination Services to visit a doctor?asked by SSA to visit doctor second application
appl_b8What was the outcome of the second application? outcome second application
appl_b9How long did it take to hear back on your application?how long to hear back from second application
appl_b9bHow did you support yourself while you waited for your disability decision? Please select all that apply. Worked full-time
appl_b10Why was it rejected? why application rejected second application
appl_b11What did you do after your disability application was rejected? action after second application was rejected
appl_b12Did you receive any assistance in preparing the appeal? I did not receive any assistance
appl_b13What was the final outcome for this application? final outcome of appeal second application
appl_b14How long did it take between the first appeal and the final decision on your application?how long to hear back between first appeal and final decision second application
appl_b15Did you submit a new application?submit new application
appl_c1In total, how many times have you applied for disability benefits? how many applications in total
appl_c2_monthmonth how long ago most recent application
appl_c2_yearThe following questions are about your most recent application.

About how long ago did you submit your most recent application?
year how long ago most recent application
appl_c3Did you receive any assistance in preparing and submitting your claim? receive assistance with most recent application
appl_c4How was the most recent application submitted? how submitted most recent application
appl_c5How would you rate the process of preparing and submitting your claim? rate process of making most recent application
appl_c6For this application, did you provide medical records (such as notes from doctors)?provide medical records most recent application
appl_c7For this application, were you asked by SSA/the office of Disability Determination Services to visit a doctor?asked by SSA to visit doctor most recent application
appl_c8What was the outcome of the most recent application? outcome most recent application
appl_c9How long did it take to hear back on your application?how long to hear back from most recent application
appl_c9bHow did you support yourself while you waited for your disability decision? Please select all that apply. Worked full-time
appl_c10Why was it rejected? why application rejected most recent application
appl_c11What did you do after your disability application was rejected? action after most recent application was rejected
appl_c12Did you receive any assistance in preparing the appeal? I did not receive any assistance
appl_c13What was the final outcome for this application? final outcome of appeal most recent application
appl_c14How long did it take between the first appeal and the final decision on your application?how long to hear back between first appeal and final decision most recent application
appl_d1Do you intend to submit a new application for disability benefits in the future?plan to submit application for disability
appl_d2How have you supported yourself since your last application was rejected or your benefits ended? Worked full-time
application_statusR application status
serv1aYou told us in a previous question that you receive or have received Social Security Disability Insurance (^FLSSDI2) and/or Supplemental Security Income (^FLSSI2). From which programs do you receive or have received benefits?which programs receive benefits
serv1b_fwpApproximately how long ago did you first receive benefits?follow up how long ago received benefits
serv1b_monthsmonths ago started receiving beneifts
serv1b_yearsHow long ago did you first start receiving these benefits? (Your best guess is ok)years ago started receiving beneifts
serv1cYou told us in a previous question that you applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (^FLSSDI2) or Supplemental Security Income (^FLSSI2) in the past. Which program/s did you apply for?which programs applied benefits
serv2How did you first decide to apply for benefits? how decided to apply for benefits
serv3What is the condition for which you FIRST applied? Please select all that apply.Musculoskeletal problems, such as back injuries
serv3aHow long after the onset of your disability did you did you apply for Social Security disability? how long after onset disability applied
serv4In what year did the impairment or health problem begin to interfere with your work?year impairment or health problem begin to interfere with work
serv7bHealth care coverage through Medicare or Medicaid is provided by SSDI/SSI to beneficiaries after a 24-month waiting period. Which part of disability insurance is more important to you: the monthly benefit payment or the healthcare coverage? most important part disability insurance
serv8How satisfied are you with the amount of your disability benefit? how satisfied with benefits
serv9How much do you rely on your ^FLSSDI2/^FLSSI2 benefit today. Is it a major source of income, a minor source of income or not a source at all? how satisfied with benefits
serv10Compared to when you first applied for ^FLSSDI2/^FLSSI2 benefits, how would you rate your health in general now? how health compared to when first applied for benefits
serv11Compared to when you first applied for ^FLSSDI2/^FLSSI2 benefits, would you say you are: how happy compared to when first applied for benefits
serv12Compared to when you first applied for ^FLSSDI2/^FLSSI2 benefits, would you say your life: how life compared to when first applied for benefits
serv13How likely do you think it is that you will ever go back to work? Enter 0 if you are sure that you will never go back work, and 100 if you are sure you will go back to work at some likely go back to work
serv13_b1Are you currently working?currently working
serv13_b2How likely do you think it is that you will ever go back to work? how likely go back to work
serv14Were you aware of the Social Security rule that states that an individual who files for disability benefit may be working as long as their income is below an amount set by the Social Security (the Substantial Gainful Activity amount)?aware of SS rule
serv14bIf it was not for the Substantial Gainful Activity rule, would you be working more?if not for Substantial Gainful Activity rule working more