

General information

Question text: How did you support yourself while you waited for your disability decision? Please select all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Worked full-time
2 Worked part-time
3 Government assistance (e.g. Food Stamps, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance)
4 Spouse's earnings
5 Borrowed from credit cards or other commercial sources
6 Changed living arrangements (e.g., moved in with family members, moved into lower cost housing)
7 Sold assets (e.g. home, car, investments)
8 Assistance from friends and/or family (other than spouse)
9 Other, please specify: ~appl_b9b_other
Label: how support while waiting for disability decision second application
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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