
Variable Question text Label
qd171How much financial stress, if any, have price increases over the past 12 months caused you and your household?financial stress because of price increases
qd172aCut back on the amount that we buyCut back on the amount that we buy
qd172bUsed savings to pay for everyday expensesUsed savings to pay for everyday expenses
qd172cShopped more at discount retailers (for example, dollar stores, discount grocers) Shopped more at discount retailers (for example, dollar stores, discount grocers)
qd172dCarried a balance on a credit cardCarried a balance on a credit card
qd172ePurchased items in bulkPurchased items in bulk
qd172fChange what you buy (e.g., chicken or eggs rather than beef) Change what you buy (e.g., chicken or eggs rather than beef)
qd172gDelayed a planned purchase, for example, a car or vacation Delayed a planned purchase, for example, a car or vacation
qd172hMoved to less expensive housingMoved to less expensive housing
qd172iDrove less to save on gasDrove less to save on gas
qd172jOther (please specify): ~qd172j_other other measure taken to help cope price increases
qd172kGone to charities, food banks, etc. Gone to charities, food banks, etc.
qd200Please think about your ability to maintain your household's standard of living. How have price increases over the past 12 months impacted your ability to maintain your standard of living? how price increases over past 12 months impacted ability to maintain standard of living