a001 | You told us in a previous survey that there is at least one other adult in your household who has a condition that gives them difficulty with some daily activities. How many adults are there in your household who fit this description? Type "0" into the box if there are no adults in your household who currently fit this description. | number of adults with condition causing difficulty |
a002 | Does this person also fill out surveys for the UAS? If you are not sure, please ask them before answering this question. If this screen times out, you can start the survey again in your panel member pages to come back to this screen. | disabled adult uas respondent |
a003 | How many of these other adult household members, not counting you, also fill out surveys for the UAS? Type "0" into the box if no other household members fill out UAS surveys. If you are not sure, please ask them before answering this question. If this screen times out, you can start the survey again in your panel member pages to come back to this screen. | number of disabled adults uas respondents |
a004a | How many of the ^total_disabled_nonuas adults in your household who have difficulties with daily living, and are not members of the UAS, would be willing to take a one-time survey about their experiences with their finances and financial services? Please feel free to ask them and then come back and answer the question. If this screen times out, you can start the survey again in your panel member pages to come back to this screen. | number of willing adults with condition causing difficulty non UAS |
a004b | Would the other adult in your household who has difficulties with daily living and is not a member of the UAS be willing to take a one-time survey about their experiences with their finances and financial services? Please feel free to ask them and then come back and answer the question. If this screen times out, you can start the survey again in your panel member pages to come back to this screen. | willing adult with condition causing difficulty non UAS |
a005_selected | | selected non-uas person or not |
a006 | Will ^a005[cnt1] need any assistance to complete an online survey, or are they able to complete a survey on their own? If you are not sure whether they will need assistance, please ask them before answering this question. If this screen times out, you can start the survey again in your panel member pages to come back to this screen. | need help non-uas person |
a007 | What kind of assistance would ^a005[cnt1] require to be able to fill out the survey? Select all that apply. | type of help non-uas person |
a008 | Are you willing and able to provide the assistance that ^a005[cnt1] needs to fill out a survey? | willing and able to help non-uas person |
a009 | Thank you. We would like to provide ^a005[cnt1] with information about the survey. Do they have an email address we can reach them at? We will only use it to send them information about the survey. | non-uas person has email |
a011 | May we email the information about the survey and how to do it to the email address we have on file for you, so that you may share it with ^a005[cnt1]?
| how contact R about survey |
askScreener | | screener asked or not |
didUAS540Screener | | did screener in uas540 |
screener_begin | | begin screener |
screener_end | | end screener |
screener_time | | time spent screener |
total_disabled_eligible_nonuas | | number of eligible adults with condition causing difficulty non UAS |
total_disabled_invited_nonuas | | number of invited adults with condition causing difficulty non UAS |
total_disabled_nonuas | | number of adults with condition causing difficulty non UAS |
total_disabled_willing_nonuas | | number of willing adults with condition causing difficulty non UAS |