
Variable Question text Label
ab_001As you may know, the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade established a women's constitutional right to have an abortion, at least in the first three months of pregnancy. Would you like to see the Supreme Court overturn its Roe v. Wade decision, or not?Roe v. Wade
ab_001_orderorder Roe v. Wade
ab_001_randomizerRandomizer order Roe v. Waderandomizer order Roe v. Wade
ab_002In general, do you think that abortion should be:Abortion should be legal/illegal
ab_002_orderorder Abortion should be legal/illegal
ab_002_randomizerrandomizer order Abortion should be legal/illegalrandomizer order Abortion should be legal/illegal
ab_003Some states have passed laws that ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected. Do you ^FL_support[1] or ^FL_support[2] banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected?Ban at Fetal heartbeat
ab_003_orderorder Ban at Fetal heartbeat
ab_003_randomizerrandomizer order Ban at Fetal heartbeat randomizer order Ban at Fetal heartbeat
ab_004What if you heard that a fetal heartbeat is usually detectable around six weeks into pregnancy, before most women know they are pregnant. With that information, do you ^FL_support[1] or ^FL_support[2] bans on abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected?Ban at fetal heartbeat - more information
ab_005With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to bepro-life or pro-choice
ab_005_orderorder pro-life or pro-choice
ab_005_randomizerrandomizer order pro-life or pro-choicerandomizer order pro-life or pro-choice
ab_006Generally speaking, if Roe v. Wade was overturned, would you ^FL_favor[1] or ^FL_favor[2] making abortion a death penalty crime in your state?death penalty for abortion
ab_006_orderorder death penalty for abortion
ab_006_randomizerrandomizer order death penalty for abortionrandomizer order death penalty for abortion
ab_007Generally speaking, do you ^FL_favor[1] or ^FL_favor[2] the death penalty for a person convicted of murder?death penalty for murder