
Variable Question text Label
co001We are interested in learning about how closely people read instructions and other text in our surveys. Some people read these instructions closely, and others do not. Let us know that you did read this instruction, please type in the number twenty-one (not the word) as the answer to the next question. This means you should disregard the actual question, and just type in the number twenty-one.

On a scale from 0 meaning you feel completely happy to 10 meaning that you feel completely unhappy, what number would you choose to indicate how happy you feel right now?
attention check
fin001Please turn your left hand with the palm towards you, fingers next to each other. Keeping your fingers straight, look to see which finger is longer on your left hand: the index finger or the ring finger?

On my left hand, with the palm facing toward me...
left finger comparison
fin002Now please do the same thing with your right hand. Hold up your right hand with the palm towards you. On your right hand, which finger is longer: the index finger or the ring finger?

On my right hand, with the palm facing toward me...
right finger comparison
fin003Are you left-handed or right-handed? left or right handed
fin004Are you generally a person who tries to avoid taking risks or one who is fully prepared to take risks? Please rate yourself from 0 to 10, where 0 means "not at all willing to take risks" and 10 means "very willing to take risks."

risk preference
fo001In comparison to others, are you a person who is generally willing to give up something today to benefit from that in the future or are you not willing to do so?

person willing to trade today for future