
Variable Question text Label
oral_passage_randomizerIndicates oral passage randomizeroral passage randomizer
q2b_a1According to the speaker:lecture a question 1
q2b_a2The speaker mentions Indian uniforms as an example of:lecture a question 2
q2b_a3The Scottish short kilt was invented:lecture a question 3
q2b_a4The speaker will probably go on to talk about:lecture a question 4
q2b_a5Which of the following statements would the speaker most likely agree with?lecture a question 5
q2b_a6Which of the following was NOT mentioned as something the British did to try and preserve Indian heritage?lecture a question 6
q2b_b1Which of the following is NOT a problem mentioned by the speaker about the new crops?lecture b question 1
q2b_b2How does the speaker portray the corporations that sell the new seeds to farmers?lecture b question 2
q2b_b3The speaker is MOST concerned about:lecture b question 3
q2b_b4The recent water shortages in India were caused by:lecture b question 4
q2b_b5The speaker would most likely go on to:lecture b question 5
q2b_b6The speaker probably would be most interested in:lecture b question 6
q2b_c1The trouble in Texas first began when:lecture c question 1
q2b_c2About how long did the Texas Revolution last?lecture c question 2
q2b_c3While Austin was in a Mexican jail:lecture c question 3
q2b_c4Who would the author most likely blame for the Texas Revolution?lecture c question 4
q2b_c5In the 1820s, the Mexican government changed their:lecture c question 5
q2b_c6Which of the following occurred first:lecture c question 6
q2b_randomizer_trIndicates randomizer number correct oral comprehension vignetterandomizer number correct oral comprehension vignette
q2b_saIn the oral comprehension test, you were presented with either a lecture or an interview with six follow-up questions. Trying to be as objective and accurate as possible, how many questions do you think you answered correctly?number correct oral comprehension
q2b_trSuppose that ^FLNamesOrder[2], a hypothetical person, got ^q2b_randomizer_tr out of 6 questions right in the oral comprehension test. Please rate ^FLNamesOrder[2]'s level of ORAL COMPREHENSION by clicking the circled number that best matches their level of ability.ORAL COMPREHENSION VIGNETTE