
Variable Question text Label
qb1aA church or another religious organizationmember a church or another religious organization
qb1bA local social or service organization member a local social or service organization
qb1cA senior centermember a senior center
qb1dA community organizationmember a community organization
qb2Are you currently the client of (or in the past were you the client of) Social Services or working with a social worker?client of social services
qb3Do you interact with the public schools in your community? (check all that apply)interact with public schools in community
qb4Social Security provides many different types of benefits, such as Retired Worker Benefits, Disability benefits, Spousal benefits, and Survivor benefits. Are you currently receiving or in the past have you received any benefits from Social Security?receiving or have received social security benefits
qb5Have you ever (select all that apply):ever did social security related action
qb6Are you currently employed?currently employed
qb6aDoes your employer offer time off following the death of a family member? employer offer time off if death of family member