qk1 | How knowledgeable do you feel about how Social Security programs work?
| how knowledgeable social security programs work |
qk2 | Next, we are going to ask about Social Security spousal benefits. These are retirement benefits available to the spouse of a worker who is eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits. Have you heard about these benefits? | heard about social security spousal benefits |
qk2a | How knowledgeable do you feel about how Social Security spousal benefits work? | how knowledgeable social security spousal benefits work |
qk3 | Next, we are going to ask about Social Security survivors benefits. These are benefits available to the spouse or family of a worker who is eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits, in the event of the worker’s death. Have you heard about these benefits? | heard about social security retirement survivor benefits |
qk3a | How knowledgeable do you feel about how Social Security survivor benefits work? | how knowledgeable social security survivor benefits work |
qk4 | Next, we are going to ask about Social Security disability benefits. These are benefits available to workers whose health prevents them from working. Have you heard about these benefits? | heard about social security disability benefits |
qk4a | How knowledgeable do you feel about how Social Security Disability benefits work? | how knowledgeable social security disability benefits work |