

General information

Question text: $1,000
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Put it on my credit card and NOT pay the balance in full at the end of the month
2 Put it on my credit card and pay the balance in full at the end of the month
3 By taking money out of my savings or checking account or paying with cash
4 Using money from a bank loan, or line of credit
5 By overdrawing any of my bank accounts
6 By borrowing from a friend or family member
7 Pay it off over time in installments
8 By spending less on other items
9 By using a payday loan, deposit advance, or pawning something
10 Withdrawing money or taking a loan from my retirement account
11 By not paying the bill at all
12 Other
13 None of the above
Label: $1000 pay for unexpected expense
Empty allowed:
Error allowed:
Multiple instances: No

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